
10 Mindfulness Exercises For Beginners

Mindfulness exercises are a powerful tool to bring more awareness, focus, and calm into our daily lives. These exercises can help beginners establish a strong foundation for their mindfulness practice. we’ll explore 10 mindfulness exercises that are perfect for those who are just starting their journey towards a more mindful and present life.

The practice of mindfulness can be very useful in your life since there are innumerable mindfulness exercises so that you can live every moment of your day to the fullest, deal with anxiety, and release the stress that It can appear throughout the day. Mindfulness meditation has many benefits. If you wonder how I can start with this practice, keep reading this article from Psychologyorg where we propose mindfulness exercises for beginners.

What is mindfulness

At present, the meaning of mindfulness has been translated as “full attention” or “full awareness”. Specifically, mindfulness is defined as the ability to focus attention on the experiences that are being experienced in the present moment, accepting them without judging.

Mindfulness Exercises

Principles of mindfulness

The practice of mindfulness consists of five essential components that we will see below.

  1. Attention to the present moment: it consists of focusing all your attention on the present moment, instead of being aware of the past (ruminations) or the future (expectations, fears, and desires).
  2. Openness to experience: in the practice of mindfulness it is necessary to involve what is called a “beginner’s mind”, in order to be able to observe things as if it were the first time you see them, without the perceptual mechanisms imposing themselves. In order to have a “beginner’s mind” a commitment to maintaining an attitude of curiosity, openness, and receptivity is essential.
  3. Acceptance – Acceptance and non-judgment can be considered synonymous. You must not judge the thoughts, feelings, and events of daily life, but adopt an attitude of acceptance and refrain from valuing what you observe. In the event that a judgment appears in your mind involuntarily, let it pass.
  4. Let Go: Don’t cling to things or experiences. Don’t get caught up in any thought, feeling, sensation, or desire. Not getting attached or identifying with them, but relating to them in a broader way, from a decentered perspective, as passing mental events, since nothing is permanent and clinging to expired things that will inevitably pass away only causes new suffering or increased pain. the one that already exists.
  5. Intention: refers to what each person pursues when practicing full consciousness and this evolves throughout the practice.

Mindfulness Exercises For Beginners

There are different mindfulness exercises, both for adults and for children, but where to start? How to practice mindfulness? The practice of mindfulness is a way of living, rather than a set of techniques since it consists of paying attention to the present moment to connect with yourself and with the actions you are doing.

Mindfulness exercises will allow you to be aware of what is happening inside you and in your environment, thereby promoting deep personal development. Its practice does not require an extensive period of time. In fact, doing mindfulness exercises for 5, 10, or 15 minutes a day is enough to improve your well-being.

The important thing about mindfulness therapy is not the exercise that is being carried out itself, but the attitude that each one adopts in this practice. Next, we will show you some mindfulness exercises for beginners that you can practice in your day-to-day while doing things as simple as walking.

Mindfulness Exercises

1. Practice static meditation

One of the mindfulness techniques that is practiced sitting on a chair or on the floor in a certain position, the one that is comfortable for you, with your back upright). When it is already settled, watch your breathing carefully.

When you involuntarily direct your attention to another object, you must bring your awareness back to your breath. As you assimilate this technique, you can begin to observe the body, sounds, thoughts, feelings, etc. To do this, you must have absolute control over your breathing, since when you begin to introduce more complex elements you must prevent your concentration from deviating from them.

2. Pay attention to day-to-day experiences

Washing the dishes, setting the table, or cleaning the house are good exercises to practice mindfulness. The simple technique of putting your full attention on the immediate experience makes it a more vivid experience.

3. Meditate while you walk

A mindfulness exercise that consists of paying attention to the experience of walking. Walk aimlessly and take every opportunity to take a walk and observe the sensations in your feet, legs, and whole body. In addition, you can also incorporate attention to the breath of static meditation. This crucial thing is to be present at every step.

4. Pay attention to your body

Mindfulness exercises for beginners like this one allow you to reconnect with your own body. When applying this technique you must focus sequentially on the various parts of your body while you are lying down with your eyes closed. Experience the sensations that it transmits to you, connect with each area without judging, and accept the unpleasant sensations that appear.

5. Practice Hatha yoga

If you are looking for mindfulness exercises to calm anxiety, this technique is ideal for you. The simple postures of Hatha yoga allow one to acquire a greater awareness of bodily sensations. It can be practiced in a complementary way to the exercise of static meditation and the attentive review of the body. 

6. Focus on your daily goals

At the beginning of the day, focus your attention on the objectives that you want to achieve during the course of the day. It does not need to be many, but it is better that you focus your attention on two or three. The objectives can be whatever you want, both work and personal or emotional. Put your full attention on them and reach them!

7. Focus on your thoughts

Generally, during the course of the day, we tend to get stressed, since we lead a very fast pace of life. Faced with this, the last thing we think about is what to do to reduce stress. However, a good exercise to reduce the intensity of these thoughts is to sit down and stop to think about them.

8. Write a diary

If you want mindfulness therapy to be part of your life, you can do an exercise as simple as writing down how your day has gone. Even if they are just a few words, writing will help you capture the feelings and thoughts that you have experienced during the day. This exercise will allow you to focus your attention on the present moment and isolate yourself for a moment from the outside world.

9. Disconnect from technology

Nowadays we usually take our mobile phone everywhere and consult it for anything. In this sense, one of the mindfulness exercises for beginners that we recommend is to spend a day without a mobile phone. Plan what you want to do and write down how many times you feel the urge to look at your phone.

In addition, you can write down all the experiences you have lived and everything to which you have paid more attention thanks to not having been aware of any technological device.

10. Stop and listen

With this exercise, you will learn mindfulness in an easy and simple way. You just have to focus your attention on the sounds outside, the sounds that surround you, and even on the sound of your own body. Listen effortlessly and let the sounds become a part of you. Apply this technique for a few minutes each day and you will notice how your perception changes.

Mindfulness Exercises


In conclusion, embracing mindfulness through these 10 exercises can be a transformative journey for beginners. By cultivating a present-focused awareness, one can unlock numerous benefits for their mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. Remember that mindfulness is a skill that takes time to develop, so be patient with yourself as you embark on this path.

Through practices like deep breathing, body scans, and mindful observation, you can gradually integrate mindfulness into your daily life, enhancing your ability to manage stress, improve concentration, and foster a greater sense of inner peace.

As you continue to engage with these exercises, you’ll likely find yourself better equipped to navigate life’s challenges with a heightened sense of clarity and a deeper connection to the present moment. So, take these steps mindfully, and let the journey towards a more centered and balanced self begin.

Read Also: Mindfulness Meditation Exercises & Practices Psychologyorg


What are 5 mindfulness exercises?

Mindful Breathing: Focus your attention on your breath, observing its natural rhythm without trying to change it.
Body Scan: Slowly move your attention from one part of your body to another, noticing any sensations or tension.
Mindful Eating: Pay close attention to the textures, flavors, and sensations as you eat, savoring each bite.
Loving-Kindness Meditation: Cultivate feelings of love and compassion, first towards yourself, and then towards others.
Mindful Walking: Walk slowly and deliberately, paying attention to each step, your surroundings, and your body’s movement.

How can a beginner practice mindfulness?

Start with short sessions: Begin with just a few minutes of mindfulness practice each day and gradually increase the duration.
Choose a comfortable environment: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you can sit or lie down without distractions.
Focus on your breath: Pay concentration to the feeling of your breath as you inhale and exhale. When your mind strays, gently fetch it back to your breath.
Be non-judgmental: Approach your thoughts and feelings with curiosity and acceptance, without labeling them as good or bad.
Practice regularly: Consistency is key. Set aside time each day for mindfulness practice to build your skills over time.

What is the 2 minute mindfulness exercise?

This exercise involves taking two minutes to pause and focus on your breath. Breathe in deeply, counting to four, hold the breath for four counts, and then exhale for four counts. During these two minutes, try to keep your attention solely on your breath, letting go of other thoughts.

What is the 3 step mindfulness exercise?

This exercise involves pausing to notice three things in your environment:
Something you can see.
Something you can hear.
Something you can feel.
This practice helps bring your attention to the present moment by engaging your senses.

What are the 5 C’s of mindfulness?

Curiosity: Approach your experience with an open and curious attitude.
Compassion: Cultivate a kind and understanding attitude towards yourself and others.
Centering: Bring your attention to the present moment and anchor yourself in it.
Clarity: Observe your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment or attachment.
Choice: Choose how to respond to your experiences rather than reacting automatically.

What are the 4 P’s of mindfulness?

Present moment awareness: Pay attention to the here and now.
Purpose: Engage in mindfulness with intention and purpose.
Patience: Practice patience with yourself and the process.
Practice: Regularly engage in mindfulness exercises to develop your skills.

What are the three C’s of mindfulness?

Concentration: Focus your attention on the chosen object or task.
Clarity: Observe your experience with clear awareness.
Compassion: Cultivate a kind and non-judgmental attitude toward your thoughts and feelings.

Are there mindfulness exercises that can help with anxiety?

Yes, mindfulness exercises like deep breathing, body scan, and progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce anxiety by promoting relaxation and grounding in the present moment.

Why should beginners practice mindfulness exercises?

Beginners can benefit from mindfulness exercises by reducing stress, improving focus, increasing self-awareness, and enhancing overall well-being.

If you want to read more articles similar to 10 Mindfulness Exercises For Beginners, we recommend that you enter our Psychology category.

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