Signs He Has Another Girl

9 Clear Signs He Has Another Girl in His Life

Sometimes, you might feel that something is off in your relationship. If you suspect your partner might have another girl (a side chick), it’s important to pay attention to the signs. Here are nine signs that he might be hiding someone else in his life.

Signs He Has Another Girl

If your partner’s behavior has shifted, and things don’t feel quite right, you might be picking up on signs that he has another girl in his life. Subtle changes in how he communicates spends his time or handles his phone could be clues that something is going on. Trust your gut and look out for these signs to better understand what’s happening in your relationship.

1. He’s Secretive About His Phone

If your partner suddenly becomes very protective of his phone, it’s a red flag. Is he hiding his screen when texting or taking calls in another room? Maybe he’s changed his phone password without telling you. This behavior can indicate he’s hiding something, like talking to another girl.

2. Unexplained Absences

Has he started disappearing without a good explanation? Maybe he has last-minute plans that don’t involve you, or he can’t tell you where he was for hours. These unexplained absences could mean he’s spending time with someone else.

3. Changes in Routine

A sudden shift in his routine can be a clue. Is he working late more often or picking up new hobbies that don’t include you? If he’s spending more time out with friends or doing things he didn’t care about before, he might be making time for someone else.

4. He’s Focused on His Appearance

If he’s suddenly taking extra care of his looks—new clothes, a fresh haircut, or hitting the gym more often—this could be a sign he’s trying to impress someone. If this change doesn’t seem to be for you, it could be for another girl.

5. He’s Distant Emotionally

Does it feel like he’s pulling away emotionally? If he’s not as interested in your day, doesn’t want to talk about his feelings, or seems distant, he might be investing his emotions in someone else.

6. Unexplained Spending

Keep an eye on his spending habits. Is there money missing, or is he suddenly making secretive cash withdrawals? If he’s spending money you can’t account for, it might be going toward dates, gifts, or other expenses for another girl.

7. He’s Hard to Reach

If he’s often unavailable, doesn’t answer your calls, or takes a long time to respond to texts, this could be a sign he’s with someone else. Being “too busy” is usually a major red flag.

8. He Gets Defensive

When you ask him simple questions about where he’s been or who he’s with, does he get defensive or accuse you of being too nosy? If he’s quick to turn the tables and accuse you of not trusting him, he might be hiding his own guilt.

9. His Stories Don’t Add Up

Does he keep changing his stories, or does something not make sense about what he’s telling you? If his explanations don’t match up, or he keeps giving different versions of events, he might be covering up his time spent with a side chick.

Signs He Has Another Girl


Trust is key in any relationship. If these signs feel familiar, it’s important to talk to your partner directly. Open and honest communication is the first step to figuring out what’s really going on and deciding what to do next. Remember, you deserve a relationship built on trust, respect, and honesty.

If you need more help, consider talking to a friend, family member, or counselor for advice. Stay strong and take care of yourself—you deserve to be in a loving and faithful relationship.

For personalized support on your journey to self-improvement, explore therapy options at OnlineTherapy.

If you want to read more articles similar to 9 Clear Signs He Has Another Girl in His Life, we recommend that you enter our Relationships category.


If you suspect your partner is seeing someone else, it’s important to communicate your concerns directly and calmly. Express how you’re feeling and ask for honesty. Avoid jumping to conclusions without evidence, but trust your instincts and look for consistent signs.

Choose a quiet, private time to talk. Be honest about your feelings and the behaviors that concern you. Avoid accusations and, instead, ask open-ended questions to encourage a truthful conversation. Listen carefully to his responses.

If your partner denies it but the signs continue, consider seeking advice from a trusted friend or counselor. It’s important to evaluate the overall trust in your relationship and decide whether you feel secure and valued.

It’s normal to feel conflicted when you suspect your partner of cheating. Remember, your feelings are valid, especially if behaviors are causing you concern. Open communication is key to resolving these feelings.

If you confirm your partner is seeing someone else, take time to consider your next steps. Think about your own well-being and whether you want to work on the relationship or move on. Seeking support from friends, family, or a counselor can help you through this decision.

If your partner continues to display suspicious behavior or denies wrongdoing, or if you no longer feel secure or valued, it may be time to consider ending the relationship. Prioritize your emotional well-being and choose a path that brings you peace and happiness.

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