Yin and Yang

Theory of Yin and Yang and It’s Meaning?

It is possible that at some point in your life, you have seen the symbol of Yin and Yang, however, you may not know this theory in depth. It is an ancient philosophy, so simple and at the same time so complex, that it has been present in humanity for thousands of years. His concepts are a rich source of knowledge and reflection since he starts from the principle that the entire universe is made up of two opposing forces that balance in harmony.

In this Psychologyorg article, we will explain what the theory of Yin and Yang is and its meaning, one of the most powerful philosophies that, according to Taoism, encompasses all the forces of the universe. We tell you what each part symbolizes, what are the principles of the theory and how it is applied in fields such as medicine and religion.

yin and yang theory

What is the theory of Yin and Yang?

The Yin and Yang theory is a Chinese philosophy based on the idea that everything in the universe is made up of two opposing but complementary forces known as Yin and Yang. The Yin is related to the feminine, the dark, the passive, and the cold, while the Yang refers to the masculine, the light, the active, and the warm.

The idea is that these two forces must be in balance for everything to work properly in the universe. In other words, the theory states that Yin and Yang are two opposing forces that complement each other, so they must be in balance to achieve a harmonious life.

This proposition has its roots in ancient China, specifically, in Taoist thinking. The idea of Yin and Yang is first mentioned in the classical  “I Ching” or “Book of Changes.” This text dates from the 8th century BC. C and contains the philosophical wisdom and divinatory practices of that culture.

The symbolism of the parts of the Yin Yang

The Yin-Yang symbolization is also known as the Tai Chi symbol and was invented in China about 600 years BC. It is a circle divided into two halves by an interlocking curved line. One of the halves is black and represents the Yin side. While the opposite half is white and mean to Yang.

In symbolization, when the black and white parts distort, it refers to the harmonic balance between the two opposing powers. In addition, the small circles that are in each of the stripes mean that nothing is totally black or white and that nothing is absolute in the universe, but that the two parts always coexist.

Although Ying and Yang form an integrated whole, each of them has its own meaning. We explain it to you below.

what is Yin

The Yin symbol is related to the following meanings:

  • It represents feminine, passive, and receptive energy.
  • It is related to night, darkness, and the moon.
  • It represents humidity, coldness, and tranquility.
  • It is related to nature, such as valleys and streams.
  • It is linked to emotions and the subconscious.

what is yang

The Yang symbolization is related to these meanings:

  • It is related to masculine, active, and expansive energy.
  • It has to do with the day, the light, and the sun.
  • It symbolizes heat, dryness, and agitation.
  • It has to do with mountains and rivers.
  • It represents the mind and the conscious.

Keep in mind that Yin and Yang are complementary concepts and not opposite and that both are necessary to achieve harmony in all things. In short, the symbolism of Yin and Yang represents the paradox without absolutism, freedom without limits, and learning in change.

yin and yang theory

Principles of Yin and Yang

For Taoism, the conception of Yin and Yang is based on the following basic principles:

  • Complementarity: Yin and Yang count each other and need each other to form a whole. Neither can exist without the other.
  • Interconnection: everything that exists in the universe is related to and affects the other party. Therefore, modification in one part of the universe affects everything else.
  • Mutability – All things are constantly evolving. Therefore, Yin and Yang transform into each other. A Yang state can turn into a Yin state, and vice versa.
  • Balance – The ultimate goal of the Yin and Yang theory is to achieve a proper balance between Yin and Yang. An excessive amount of one or the other can cause imbalance and disease, so they must always be in harmony. In this article, we propose exercises to achieve mental and emotional balance.
  • Oppositional relationship: these elements oppose each other, but at the same time contain and complement each other. This relationship of opposition is what allows change and development.

Yin and Yang Applications

During the dominion of the Yellow Emperor of China, about 2,000 years ago, the usage of Yin and Yang was frequent in medicine at the time, which is mirrored in the first Chinese book on medical sciences. At present, this theory is still valid, since in traditional Chinese medicine Yin and Yang are used to explaining the processes of the body and to diagnose and treat diseases.

Those who practice Chinese medicine believe that an imbalance between Yin and Yang can cause disease, so restoring the balance is sought to cure the patient.

In addition, the theory of Yin and Yang is of importance in the field of philosophy and religion, since, for example, Taoism considers it a fundamental part of its doctrine. In Chinese art, architecture, and culture, it continues to be an essential part of social beliefs and customs, as well as in the training of some sports, such as martial arts.

In short, the theory of Yin and Yang is widely accepted and applied in different social fields, since it is even used to represent and understand the cycles and processes in agriculture, with the aim of maximizing crop yields.

This article is simply for information, at Psychologyorg.com we do not have the ability to make a diagnosis or recommend treatment. We recommend you go to a psychologist to treat your specific case.

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