psychology of colors

psychology of color according to Eva Heller

Did you know that colors can affect our way of perceiving and actually feeling? The psychology of color is an area of ​​psychology that is in constant development due to its increasing importance in society in general. Eva Heller, the psychologist, professor, sociologist, and author of the book: “La `Psicología del Color”, was one of the professionals most interested in investigating this field of psychology.

In this Psychologyorg article: The Psychology of Color according to Eva Heller, we are going to let you know in a summarized but at the same time detailed way the essence of what Eva Heller likes to convey to us in her book.

Synopsis and summary of the book: the psychology of Color

The psychologist, sociologist, and teacher Eva Heller, demonstrated in her book “The Psychology of Color” that colors are not used just because they are and that they all have a particular meaning and purpose.

It also indicates that there is a close relationship between colors and our feelings since it is not only a matter of preferences but it is projected further toward a universal experience where colors are embedded in our vocabulary and our thoughts.

The research that Eva Heller dedicated to carrying out in her time provides us with a great deal of information about colors, as well as the way in which they are used to design some products or trademarks, the tests that are based on colors, the way in which people are usually manipulated through them, how we can heal with colors, among much more interesting information.

Due to the large number of uses that we can give to colors and the way in which they influence people, knowing about this theory of colors is an excellent tool that can be utilized by some professionals such as therapists, graphical designers, decorators, fashion designers, artists, publicists, among many others.

psychology of colors

How colors act on feelings and reason

Generally, the people who use colors the most to influence people are creative professionals found in the world of marketing and graphic design. Although it can not only be useful for that but also positively influence our personal relationships.

  • Absolutely all colors have a meaning, although sometimes it may not seem so.
  • Typically, older people tend to choose brighter or summery colors as they project a more immature impression. It is said that as we get older, we tend to opt more for these types of colors (for example, orange, yellow, green, and sky blue).
  • The same color can have a completely different effect when combined with other colors. This is because the effect produced by each color will always be determined by the context in which it is found.
  • When a color is combined with black, even though it previously had a positive meaning, when combined, it automatically becomes negative. For example, the color red refers to love but if combined with black it can be the opposite and turn into hate.
  • The combination of some typical shapes such as an apple combined with a color that has nothing to do with it, such as orange, will always attract attention.
psychology of colors

Meaning of colors according to Eva Heller’s color psychology

Next, we are going to give a brief explanation of the association of some of the colors that the author of the book Eva Heller refers to with feelings.


Blue is the only color in which no negative feeling predominates but quite the opposite. A curious fact about this color is that there are some languages ​​that do not have a name to call the color blue. It is stated that when the color blue is utilized as the primary color, reason prevails more than devotion or unbridled love. The blue color will always refer to friendship, empathy, trust, honesty, and all kinds of values ​​that have the ability to last forever.


It is a quite controversial, intense, and even ambivalent color. An interesting fact is that it is said to be the first color to which a character was allocated. It is a color that if it is abused and exposed in an exaggerated way, undoubtedly becomes quite annoying. Another curious fact is that in countries that are cold, the meaning of the red color is quite beautiful and positive, however in warm countries, it is considered the opposite and it can be particularly undesirable and even represent something devilish. Last but not least, mention that the color red is directly associated with love, passion, and the erotic, as well as it can also represent war, violence, and hatred.


It is one of the favorite colors of the elderly. This color can project a lot of joy, positivity, fun, and optimism, among many other positive emotions, however, it can also project the opposite and arouse negative emotions such as distrust, jealousy, envy, greed, selfishness, etc.. It can also indicate a warning sign which gives it a more negative than positive aspect, which is why graphic designers often find it difficult to add it since although it attracts attention, it is closely related to the warnings that they put in various articles. such as boxes and containers.


This color is quite cheerful, especially in its lighter shades, however, it can become boring except for the green that is generally used for the blackboard, which is the most suitable to keep the eye on for a long time. Being a neutral color, it is continuously influenced by the colors that accompany it and this can give it a more positive or negative aspect. It is positively related to spirit, energy, vitality, and expectancy.


It is said that this is the color that young people prefer the most because older people tend to associate it more with death, unlike young people who associate it more with fashion. Black refers to evil, mourning, death, lies, and infidelity, however, it also has a more positive connotation and can represent the mysterious and magic.

This article is just for information purposes, at Psychologyorg we do not have the capability to make a diagnosis or advise treatment. We request you go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to The Psychology of Color according to Eva Heller, we recommend that you enter our Psychology category.

Psychology of Color Books From Amazon

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What is Color Psychology meaning of colors in psychology | Psychologyorg


Heller, E. and Chamorro Mielke, J. (2017). Color Psychology. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

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